London Olympics 2012

The London Olympics started on Friday 27th July 2012. They started while I was in Great Ormond Street Hospital following my second Bone Marrow Transplant. Although I should be out of hospital before the Games finish, I will not be able to go to any of the events as I'm not allowed to be in large crowds. This will not stop me getting into the spirit of the Olympics and enjoying them.

Around London there are loads of things to see and enjoy. On the pavements are pictures depicting all the different events as well as facts and figures about the Games. My favourite thing though are the Wenlock and Mandeville statues. Hidden around London are 84 Wenlock and Mandeville statues. Some of them are in parts of London that are too busy for me to go to, but I'm going to try and get my photo taken with as many as possible. Click here to look at my pictures.