
Sometimes the people that look after me use big words or terms I have never heard before. I have learnt what quite a few of them mean, but I have written this Glossary for you so that you know what I mean if I use the words in my diary.

ALL Acute Lymphoblasitc Leukaemia - this is what is wrong with me.
Allopurinol This is a medicine I take to stop the side effects of my chemotherapy harming my liver and kidney.
AML Acute Myeloid Leukaemia - some of my friends at GOSH have this.
ATG This is the drug that will shut my immune system down and kill all my T cells. Dr Veys says says these cells have to go as they will reject my new marrow.
BP Blood Pressure
CNS Central Nervous System
Dexamethasone Steroid medication - this makes me very grumpy, gives me rosy red cheeks and makes me VERY hungry.
GOSH Great Ormond Street Hospital
Metoclopramide Anti-emetic medicine. This stops me feeling and being sick.
MR. WIGGLY A very technical term for my Hickman Line - I have a double lumen because I am special!
MRD Minimal Residual Disease - This is a very sensitve test that the Doctors do to check how much Leukaemia is left in my body. Mummy always worries when I have one of these.
MUD Matched Unrelated Donor. This is what I'm having as the nice man in Portugal isn't related to me.
Ondansetron Anti-emetic medicine. This stops me feeling and being sick.
Obs These are the regular checks the nurses do for me. They check my pulse, my BP, my SATS and my respirations.
PEG Tube Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastronomy tube. This is a special tube that is inserted into my tummy. Mummy, Daddy and the nurses give me milk feeds and medicine through this tube.
UCLH University College London Hospital
SATS This is my oxygen satuartion - how much oxygen is in my body.
TBI Total Body Irradiation - This is what will kill my bone marrow and all the nasty Leukaemia cells.